Oct 3rd, 2023
After a bit of a break, I'm thrilled to be back with a fresh blog post. As you may have noticed, this one differs from the usual travel and photography content. Thanks to my wife's suggestion, I've decided to diversify the topics I cover here on the blog. My blog, my rules.
In today's post, I'll walk you through some recent changes I've made to the blog.
Goodbye Gatsby.js, hello Next.js
Behind the scenes, I've given the blog a complete makeover. I said goodbye to Gatsby.js and embraced the tech-savvy Next.js. Additionally, I switched the Content Management System (CMS) from Contentful to the highly flexible Sanity CMS.
I won't bore you with the technical details of these transitions, as plenty of content is out there. However, if you have questions about migrating from Gatsby.js to Next.js or moving from Contentful to Sanity, feel free to
on Twitter, and I'll do my best to assist you.
Now, let's get into the changes.
Sanity studio's database migration prod to dev and back
Three new colors for links
Example of changes
Stay tuned for these exciting developments, and, as always, thank you for being a part of this journey.